Follow @MarekNarozniakTweet to @MarekNarozniakPublications
- Narozniak, M. (2022). Topological Quantum Computing with Majorana Zero Modes in One-Dimension. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
- Narozniak, M., Dartiailh, M. C., Dowling, J. P., Shabani, J., & Byrnes, T. (2021). Quantum gates for Majoranas zero modes in topological superconductors in one-dimensional geometry. Phys. Rev. B, 103(20), 205429. 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.205429
- Mohseni, N., Narozniak, M., Pyrkov, A. N., Ivannikov, V., Dowling, J. P., & Byrnes, T. (2021). Error suppression in adiabatic quantum computing with qubit ensembles. npj Quantum Information, 7(1), 71. 10.1038/s41534-021-00405-2
- Huang, H.-L., Narozniak, M., Liang, F., Zhao, Y., Castellano, A. D., Gong, M., Wu, Y., et al. (2021). Emulating Quantum Teleportation of a Majorana Zero Mode Qubit. Phys. Rev. Lett., 126(9), 090502. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.090502
- Dodel, A., Pikovski, A., Ermakov, I., Narozniak, M., Ivannikov, V., Wu, H., & Byrnes, T. (2020). Cooper pair polaritons in cold fermionic atoms within a cavity. Phys. Rev. Research, 2(1), 013184. 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013184
- Mandal, S., Narozniak, M., Radhakrishnan, C., Jiao, Z.-Q., Jin, X.-M., & Byrnes, T. (2020). Characterizing coherence with quantum observables. Phys. Rev. Research, 2(1), 013157. 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013157
Conference proceedings
- Lazarev, I. D., Narozniak, M., Byrnes, T., & Pyrkov, A. N. (2022). Quantum assisted unsupervised data clustering on the basis of neural networks. In V. F. Lukichev & K. V. Rudenko (Eds.), International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Electronics 2021 (Vol. 12157, pp. 571–578). SPIE. 10.1117/12.2625092
- Mohseni, N., Narozniak, M., Pyrkov, A. N., Ivannikov, V., Dowling, J. P., & Byrnes, T. (2020). Adiabatic quantum computation with spin ensembles. In Fifth International Conference on Quantum Technologies ICQT-2019. AIP Publishing. 10.1063/5.0011393
- Mandal, S., Narozniak, M., Radhakrishnan, C., Kondappan, M., Jiao, Z., Jin, X., & Byrnes, T. (2020). An observable based approach to evaluating quantum coherence. In Fifth International Conference on Quantum Technologies ICQT-2019. AIP Publishing. 10.1063/5.0011394
Press Interviews
Mina Foundation by The Viewpoint Project by Dennis Quaid
Quantum's Promise by Global Finance Magazine
连线 zkApp 开发者|Marek 和他的第一个 ZK 智能合约 LendApp by Mina Protocol Official WeiXin
zkApp Geliştiricisi Marek Narozniak ile Tanışın by B62 Blog
Meet the zkApp Builder — Marek Narozniak by Mina Foundation Blog
Quantum computing to run economic models on crypto adoption by Cointelegraph
Shanghai lockdown being cage by Yahoo News
Bitcoin encryption is safe from quantum computers – for now by Physics World
Ethereum Won't Hide From Quantum Computers Behind PoS Shield by Crypto News
上海纽约大学最新研究:用马约拉纳费米子实现量子隐形传态 by 新闻中心
Complete list of all mentions and interviews is available on dedicated mentions page.
Authored modules
secp256k1-zkp-mw a CFFI wrapper of the secp256k1-zkp library in Python
polishify a tool for fixing subtitle encoding for Polish language in Python
minicurve a nifty educational elliptic-curve visualization library in Python
mimblewimble implementation of the Mimblewimble protocol in Python
truthsayer a bot for playing Dune the board game over Discord in Python
brackette a state manager implementing Memento design pattern in Python
Open-Source Contributions
Implemented avoid throwing an error if private key is missing for o1-labs/snarkyjs 💡issue #930 ✅pull request #931
Implemented an example of an Escrow zkApp for o1-labs/snarkyjs ✅pull request #613
Prepared a more meaningful example of tvtk usage in Mayavi for enthought/mayavi ✅pull request #974
Implemented a possibility of mixing measurement operators and callback functions in e_ops list for qutip/qutip 💡issue #1238 ✅pull request #1655
preparing for releasing a Python module for grinfans/ ✅pull request #4
Implemented including the last inserted row id if available for aosingh/sqlite_rx ✅pull request #5
Patch to avoid division by zero and fixed Travis tests for scrapy/scrapely 💡comment under issue #49 ✅pull request #119
Possibility of choosing a seed for random quantum objects generation for qutip/qutip 💡issue #856 ✅pull request #917
Online articles and tutorials
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Complete list of all recorded events is available under live events archive page.